The Impact We Have
A couple of weeks ago, I glanced at my phone before the Sunday morning service and read the news that Mr. Z, my favorite high school teacher and coach, had passed away.
Though he was a recent octogenarian, the news was unexpected. I had the opportunity to visit with him twice on the weekend of his surprise 80th birthday celebration last October, and he was “hilariously crabby” (how his daughter aptly described him in his obituary) and in good spirits and health.
When we parted after his party, I gave him a copy of the A.W. Tozer classic “The Pursuit of God,” which he assured me he would read. Unfortunately, a planned visit later last fall didn’t come to fruition, so I never did get the opportunity to talk to him about that book or about his personal testimony.
But I’m not writing today to emphasize the importance of making every day count for our “times are in His hands,” as it says in Psalm 31:15. There will always be regrets about opportunities missed. Still, if we regard them honestly, those misses should encourage us to make the most of those we have left. As Paul exhorts in Philippians 3:13, “… forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.”
Rather, I’m writing today about the influence each of us has on those we encounter along our life’s path. And though not many of us are teachers with a daily audience of dozens, we all have some level of influence.
Last week, I wrote a eulogy of sorts in newspaper column form in remembrance of Mr. Z. In it, I recalled how my junior high grammar teacher had taken an interest in me when I was a shy, bespectacled seventh grader who read a lot, how he had pulled me aside to show me examples of “good writing,” how he had impacted my life and career simply by taking an interest and making an investment in me. In large part, because of him, I became a writer, and I’ve never forgotten the numerous lessons he taught me.
Mr. Z took me under his wing at a time in his life when he was a skeptic, so his lessons and advice, his coaching in basketball, and his huge impact on me―all of it came from a man who had a worldly perspective. It was later that he began to search for answers in God’s Word, and because of that, I have hope that I will see him again.
How much more do those of us who know the truth have an amazing opportunity to impact those around us? We know the truth, the truth that sets men free. We are ambassadors for the King. How well do we represent Him?
Matthew 5:16 KJV
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.
I have another mentor who is only a few years older than me. Rick and his wife Jammie and their six adopted children have been missionaries to First Nations people in northern Ontario for 15 or so years. I’ve looked up to Rick since I first met him at a college Bible study shortly after he accepted the gospel message.
Rick never taught me directly other than a few wrestling moves when I was a teenager. Yet, the example of Christ’s love that I see reflected in him―that I have consistently seen for three decades―has had an enormous impact on my life, both convicting and encouraging me.
If only each of us could keep in focus the impact we are having on those around us.
The examples I can recount from watching his life and the lessons I’ve learned are unmeasurable and invaluable. Rick also takes the time to call, visit with, encourage, and pray with someone when they need a friend to talk to. Rick lives out Matthew 5:16.
If only each of us could keep in focus the impact we are having on those around us. The thing is, we can. Because when we focus on Jesus, we will live out His example, and because Jesus came to minister to others, we will, too.
We do, after all, have the greatest inspiration, Christ Jesus:
Hebrews 12:1-2 NKJV
Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Author Bio
Brian Miller is a longtime newspaper columnist and freelance writer. He and his wife Bethany, a fellow “preacher’s kid” (and talented musician and chef), split their time between Eveleth, MN, and South Padre Island, TX. Brian seeks to use lessons learned in his life of God’s unchanging love, grace, mercy, and faithfulness to bring hope to others who may be struggling. The Millers are seeking God’s guidance for future ministry opportunities and appreciate your prayers. You may write to him at
Brian Miller is a longtime newspaper columnist and freelance writer. He and his wife Bethany, a fellow “preacher’s kid” (and talented musician and chef), split their time between Eveleth, MN, and South Padre Island, TX. Brian seeks to use lessons learned in his life of God’s unchanging love, grace, mercy, and faithfulness to bring hope to others who may be struggling. The Millers are seeking God’s guidance for future ministry opportunities and appreciate your prayers. You may write to him at
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