Encouraging Nonconformity
In this week's blog, Bob Gillespie addresses the antidote to the conformity promoted in our culture: "Today, the prevailing thought is that everyone must conform and rejoice in rejecting the God of the Bible."
I Am an Apologist Encouraging Nonconformity
Romans 12:2 tells us not to be conformed to this world, but we know that nonconformity has always been frowned upon by those in charge. Daniel was thrown to the lions; Christians in the Roman Empire suffered the same fate. The Middle Ages era in Europe is known for persecuting those who would not conform. When the ungodly are in charge, they will always demand conformity.
Then out of the Middle Ages in Europe came heroes of the faith who would not conform. Eventually, the nonconformists’ voices became so strong that the world could not silence them. Biblical ideas like individual freedom and limited government could not be held down forever. The United States was birthed out of this European revolution of thought called the Protestant Reformation. America had found the recipe for a successful nation―individual freedom tempered by moral character, and America became a shining light of freedom and opportunity.
However, since our nation’s birth, the human tendency has always been to oppress and enslave others. The old idea that those in charge must have absolute authority kept rising to the surface. Thankfully, our Constitution was written in such a way as to keep this destructive and oppressive view at bay―until now. What has happened to America?
Unfortunately, because of the acceptance of evolution, many Americans now believe the Bible is not only scientifically inaccurate but also oppressive and detrimental to human progress. Today the prevailing thought is that everyone must conform and rejoice in rejecting the God of the Bible. In this celebration of evil, we find ourselves living in a crazy world. Much of the blame for this can be directed at the church in America. Many churches went down that slippery slope of compromise on the book of Genesis to eventually reject the authority of the whole book. These churches have conformed to the world and are no longer a beacon of truth. Now our nation is praising evil and criminalizing that which is good.
Children were taught what to believe without telling them why they could believe it and how to defend it against attacks.
Where did the church go wrong? Certainly, a good number of churches have turned to a new type of gospel. Salvation is found in cleaning up society and curing the evils of society. The rest of the church has stayed true to the gospel, teaching children to believe in Jesus, but they neglected to address the cancer of skepticism growing in their midst. Children were taught what to believe without telling them why they could believe it and how to defend it against attacks. We didn’t help them find a reason for the hope that is in them.
This is the ministry of apologetics into which God has called me: to combat the cancer of skepticism, compromise, and disbelief that has invaded many of the churches in our nation. The gospel is easy to reject when people think, “If you can’t believe the first part of the Bible, why would you believe the rest of it?” There is much work to be done. We need a generation who will stand against the pressure of the world. What we need are modern-day nonconformists who are prepared for the battle and the persecution that inevitably will come (2 Timothy 3:12).
Author Bio:
Bob and his wife Lois graduated from Cedarville University in Ohio. Bob then received his master’s degree at Clark’s Summit Seminary in PA. They spent 14 years teaching in Christian schools in Ohio and another 10 years teaching missionary kids in West Africa. Upon leaving Africa, the Gillespies felt God’s calling to go into full-time apologetics ministry. Learn more about Bob and his ministry by clicking HERE.
Bob and his wife Lois graduated from Cedarville University in Ohio. Bob then received his master’s degree at Clark’s Summit Seminary in PA. They spent 14 years teaching in Christian schools in Ohio and another 10 years teaching missionary kids in West Africa. Upon leaving Africa, the Gillespies felt God’s calling to go into full-time apologetics ministry. Learn more about Bob and his ministry by clicking HERE.
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Posted in Bob Gillespie
Posted in Bob Gillespie, Reasons for Hope, Nonconformity, nonconformist, Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Timothy 3:12
Posted in Bob Gillespie, Reasons for Hope, Nonconformity, nonconformist, Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Timothy 3:12
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