The First Evolutionist?
Where did the original thoughts behind evolution begin? Charles Darwin? Join us today as one of our regular guest bloggers, Brian Miller, presents the absurdity of this theory and a much earlier proponent of evolution―one whose chief goal is to entice people away from their Creator.
If you’re like me, you might wonder, "How can an absurd idea with a complete absence of any supporting evidence become hailed as a scientific fact?"
You hear “follow the science” about a lot of things nowadays―the cult of scientism is thriving―but I’m talking about the big one, Darwinian evolutionary theory, which is scientific dogma.
It masquerades as scientific fact when in essence, the emperor wears no clothes. It is philosophy pretending to be science because no one can observe the past and because true science is observable, repeatable, and testable. Darwinian evolution―one kind evolving into a different kind―has never been observed and has to be taken by faith in the tenets of naturalism, which by definition, “cannot let a Divine foot in the door.”
After decades of digging, no transitional fossils have ever been found – zero, zip, zilch – out of the billions found all around the world, and none will ever be found because God created everything “after its kind.” Oh, there have been hoaxes and breathless headlines, but zero proof.
“Science” has never created life, never brought anything dead back to life, and cannot preserve life. “Science” can’t, for it is an inanimate thing, and neither can those who practice it―scientists.
One needs to only look around at the beautiful complexity and intricate design of this world to realize there is a Creator. To think that by chance, life as we know it just happened to arise from primeval chaos is an utter absurdity.
Take your DNA, for example. A single copy of the human genome contains around 3,234,830,000 individual bases. Almost every cell in a human body contains two copies of this genome (one maternal and one paternal), making 6,496,660,000 bases per cell. This corresponds to roughly seven feet of DNA per cell, weighing in at only ~7 trillionths of a gram.
So how much DNA is contained in just your body? This is the most difficult aspect of this question because, as yet, it is impossible to count how many cells your body contains. Estimates range from five billion to a staggering 200 million trillion. For the purpose of this estimate, we’ll go with 37.2 trillion cells in an average adult male (a thorough 2013 paper1 came up with this number). Each of these cells (excluding red blood cells, which don’t contain any DNA) contains a full genome. Note that red blood cells will barely impact the total amount of DNA, as there are “only” around 30 billion of them in the body.
So, at seven feet of DNA per cell, this gives a total DNA length of 49.5 billion miles in your body alone. For reference, the sun is 93 million miles away. This means that your DNA would stretch to the sun and back 530 times. Its total weight? About 5 1/2 pounds. Could you imagine writing that much information so microscopically?
Yet, according to the theory of evolution, that dazzling amount of information just assembled itself by chance. If you believe that, I’ve a bridge to sell you. Several, in fact.
Those mind-blowing numbers bring to mind the following verse:
Psalm 139:14 NASB
I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
So how did Charles Darwin and his Origin of Species become the basis for the dominant scientific worldview in the past 160-plus years? With facts and evidence? Or with bald-faced lies?
Let’s go back to the beginning because evolutionary ideas go back to the dawn of time. Quite literally. You see, I believe one can reasonably infer that Satan, the angel formerly known as Lucifer, was the first evolutionist. He’s the father of lies, and the biggest lie―that there is no Creator―is his invention. Whether he believes it himself or not is debatable, but I happen to believe he does.
When Lucifer was created, he was the greatest of all of God’s ministering spirits. He was the covering cherub―powerful, beautiful, intelligent, and given great responsibility, guarding the very throne of God.
At some moment very early on in history, Lucifer, whose name means Day Star (Isaiah 14:12), developed pride in his own beauty and intellect rather than giving credit to God, who had created him.
It was like he woke up one morning and wrote a song: “Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way. I can’t wait to look in the mirror, 'cause I get better looking each day” (a familiar tune to Mac Davis fans of the ‘80s).
It’s as if he developed the wholly irrational idea that he and God were similar creatures. He blasphemed God by denying He was his Creator and rebelled. Then, he recruited a third of the angels to join him in his rebellion. So, the Day Star became the Adversary, Satan, and he was cast from heaven like lightning.
Why else would Lucifer have engaged in rebellion against the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the Omnipresent, the Omniscient―a battle he could not possibly hope to win―unless he didn’t believe that God was, in fact, his Creator?
Why else would he have said in his heart:
‘I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’
Isaiah 14:13-14 (ESV)
Maybe it really is that his pride has made him so delusional.
Ezekiel 28:17 (ESV) says: “Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor.”
Ezekiel 28:17 (ESV) says: “Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor.”
Why does God hate pride so much? This is Exhibit No. 1.
Whatever the case, whether Satan is the most deluded of all or just the wanton deceiver and destroyer of mankind, this theory of evolution, which is so absurd on its face―that life formed from a primordial soup over billions of years to form the absolutely ordered beauty and complexity we see all around us―has been promulgated for millennia by the Great Deceiver.
He’s been lying to mankind ever since the Garden of Eden, convinced that he is a god and convincing mankind that they can be gods too and that they shouldn’t trust their Creator.
Darwin, you see, didn’t come up with anything new. He merely revived Satan’s ancient paganism and worldview and repackaged it as “science.”
Romans 1:25
Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator.
The next time you hear someone talk about the “fact of evolution,” remember it is simply a philosophy of man, likely introduced to him by Satan himself. (Note the use of the word philosophy in the following verse.)
Colossians 2:8 (NASB)
See to it that there is no one who takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception in accordance with human tradition, in accordance with the elementary principles of the world, rather than in accordance with Christ.
1 This information is summarized from a 2013 study published in the Annals of Human Biology.
Author Bio:
Brian Miller is a longtime newspaper columnist and freelance writer. He and his wife Bethany, a fellow “preacher’s kid” (and talented musician and chef) split their time between Eveleth, MN, and South Padre Island, TX. Brian seeks to use lessons learned in his life of God’s unchanging love, grace, mercy, and faithfulness to bring hope to others who may be struggling. The Millers are seeking God’s guidance for future ministry opportunities and appreciate your prayers. You may write to him at
Brian Miller is a longtime newspaper columnist and freelance writer. He and his wife Bethany, a fellow “preacher’s kid” (and talented musician and chef) split their time between Eveleth, MN, and South Padre Island, TX. Brian seeks to use lessons learned in his life of God’s unchanging love, grace, mercy, and faithfulness to bring hope to others who may be struggling. The Millers are seeking God’s guidance for future ministry opportunities and appreciate your prayers. You may write to him at
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