Lessons from February's Sons, Part 1
Our blog today features two men born on the same day in February and lessons we can learn from them. We pray that you walk away with tools to help strengthen your faith and family connections.

Since childhood, I remember hearing my mother say more than once, "All great men were born in February." Whether this statement was original to her, I don't know. And I cannot support its soundness, as many men worthy of such a label (humanly speaking, of course) were birthed in months other than the shortest one of the year. But, as I recall, the context in which she used this statement concerned at least three presidents and my father. (Ironically, one of my sisters and I also married men who were February babies. Coincidence? I think not.)
This idea resonated with me, and naturally, I think about my mother’s repeated claim as February rolls around each year. This time, however, since I had a blog to write, I thought about it more intentionally and pondered an impactful statement two of these men made that may have spurred others on to greatness. So please indulge me as I share what the Lord has laid on my heart today about these men and their words of wisdom.
A Legacy of Purpose

James W. Buchanan, Jr.
James William Buchanan, Jr. (my dad, not the president), born February 6, 1925, was a member of "the Great Generation," served his country in World War 2 on the U.S.S. Becuna (submarine), worked as a surveyor and mapmaker, and was always a true patriot who loved this country. He was well-read and not afraid to speak up (or write a "poison pen letter," as we called them) when he encountered injustice. He stood for the love of family, the love of country, and in his final days, the love of God (having accepted Christ as his personal Savior just weeks before he passed).

Whenever my father entered a room and remained standing, anyone who was a family member (or a visiting friend of a family member) anticipated the six words my dad became known for: "I've got a job for ya." (Picture this announcement being delivered with a loud, Maine/Massachusetts accent to get the full effect. 50 20 20 20 20 Recent